Mike's Blog Roundup

darkblack: Like, totally bogey The Existentialist Cowboy: Obama's green energy plan is infinitely superior to that wingnut plan to turn over Social S

darkblack: Like, totally bogey

The Existentialist Cowboy: Obama's green energy plan is infinitely superior to that wingnut plan to turn over Social Security - the only government program to have ever run a surplus - to robber barons, speculators and fast buck artists on Wall Street.

Open Left: The Puke Funnel is trying to disrupt Copenhagen: The CRU Hack story continues

Words of Power: Jobs? Afghanistan? Healthcare? Climate? Where and when will something turn in our favor? It better be here and now.

Pensito Review: The Family: DC's C Street Group tied to proposed death penalty for gays in Uganda

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: The Angry Arab, angry asian man, AngryBlackBitch

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