Mike's Blog Roundup
Brookings Institution: A statement condemning the Cheney/Kristol infamy, signed by Bush White House, DOJ, and Pentagon attorneys. Even Ken Starr signe
Brookings Institution: A statement condemning the Cheney/Kristol infamy, signed by Bush White House, DOJ, and Pentagon attorneys. Even Ken Starr signed!
TBogg: Who's to blame when situations degenerate? Disgusting things you'd never anticipate
Economist's View:: Enough Already: Venting over four decades of right wing activism
Blue Heron Blast: Separate but unequal
Bildungblog: Senate's shiniest forehead attributed to daily use of Turtle Wax
HOLY CRAP: Beck: Nevermind Jesus...Home-schooled ignorance...Words from a prophet...Choir Boy Practice...Republican Jesus...The wretched of the earth...Arrested...God Blogs...Scientologists prominently dissed...The Week In God...Evil Condoms...Bad Form...Amazing Videos