Mike's Blog Roundup

First Draft: When Birtherism isn't quite crazy enough... The Rude Pundit: Al Qaeda, Liz Cheney, and American Failure The Washington Independent: The

First Draft: When Birtherism isn't quite crazy enough...

The Rude Pundit: Al Qaeda, Liz Cheney, and American Failure

The Washington Independent: The 'rule of law' is unacceptable to the GOP

Eschaton: Walking away...

The Political Carnival: Salacious news CNN and Fox somehow missed...

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: OKIYAR...An honest headline you'll never see...WSJ fail...Why your media sucks...The Cable News bubble...Another reason to reform health care...Is this a joke?...Comatose CNN...Where was the NYT on Bush's war?...Say what?...I am so proud...New Media Watchdogs...Newsweek's propaganda...Altering history... Death panels--Again?...Cable News Fail

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