Mike's Blog Roundup

Feministe: Hey, anti-tax conservatives... Mario Piperni: On Health Care and Motives Instaputz: Bill Bennett, Liar Vagabond Scholar: Hot For Teacher

Feministe: Hey, anti-tax conservatives...

Mario Piperni: On Health Care and Motives

Instaputz: Bill Bennett, Liar

Vagabond Scholar: Hot For Teachers

Balkinization: Forced to choose between Tiger Woods and Billy Payne, the chairman of Augusta National Golf Club, my loyalties are with Tiger, who is by far the lesser threat to Americans children and grandchildren than the members of Augusta National Golf Club for whom Mr. Payne so sanctimoniously speaks.

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Media indifference to murder...Rupert Murdoch has lost it...NPR's gender balance...Journo enablers...Pedalling mob violence... Introducing The Broder-o-Matic!...Crackerjack reporting...Cover-up News Network...WaPo hack...Deficit fascination...Unreal American stories... Dear Networks...CNN Fail...Big wheel...Who covers this?

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