Mike's Blog Roundup

Norwegianity: Fighting terrorism with more guns for terrorists Economist's View: Galbraith: The Role of Fraud in the Financial Crisis OpenSecrets Bl

Norwegianity: Fighting terrorism with more guns for terrorists

Economist's View: Galbraith: The Role of Fraud in the Financial Crisis

OpenSecrets Blog: BP enjoys lobbying strength and close ties to lawmakers as federal investigation looms

Little Green Footballs: The wingnut blogosphere is fuming and hissing with outrage over yet another trumped up nontroversy

Politics in the Zeros: Two former high ranking officials of the California public pension fund are being sued for fraud

HOLY CRAP: Pray or else...Yawn*, another homophobic, Christianist hypocrite...Holy Man...the Lostness!...WTF?....Everybody draw Mohammed Day...Misunderstanding 'rights'...Exorcising teh gay...‘God’s punishment’...Ahead of her time...Mormons for racial profiling... Perry blames God....Dobson blames GOP...

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