Mike's Blog Roundup

slacktivist: The Republican Party of 2010 is anti-Lincoln, anti-Reconstruction, anti-13th, 14th and 15th Amendment. Barefoot and Progressive: Why

slacktivist: The Republican Party of 2010 is anti-Lincoln, anti-Reconstruction, anti-13th, 14th and 15th Amendment.

Barefoot and Progressive: Why does Rand Paul's new campaign manager work with a white supremacist?

Pharyngula: Republicans discover sarcasm, don't like it much

The Impolitic: Plame was a scandal. Sestak, not even particularly interesting

TalkLeft: Facebook revamps privacy settings

HOLY CRAP: Fundamentalism's sci-fi roots...South Dakota scofflaws...Fischer really outdoes himself...Christian History on TeeVee...Searching for Jesus...Suicide school...Praising the symptoms of disease...Subsidizing religion...The End of the World...Commandments not in the Constitution...Hungup on Religion ...Morally bankrupt...partisan prayer...Priestly justice...

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