Mike's Blog Roundup

Racewire: Rabbi who brought down Helen Thomas does a great 'Mexican' impression ProPublica: Years of internal BP probes warned that neglect coul

Racewire: Rabbi who brought down Helen Thomas does a great 'Mexican' impression

ProPublica: Years of internal BP probes warned that neglect could lead to accidents

Rising Hegemon: Idiot

Angry Bear: The Regulation Crisis

DownWithTyranny!: Looks like that whole teabagger thing-- at least in California-- was just something the mass media drummed up to sell some advertising. Every teabagger is losing every GOP primary from the Oregon border to San Diego.

HOLY CRAP: Tribulation baggers...Brawl over religion and demons...Veiled threats...Christian prisons...Cartoon of science...Baptist church told girl to apologize for being raped...Vive la Différence...Fringe Christers growing stronger...Kids of lesbian mothers doing just fine...Their values should be your values...

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