Mike's Blog Roundup

Newshoggers: The Bomber Boys, Obama, and strategic ambiguity Stinque: Financial services racketeer Wells Fargo slammed for larcenous scamming of

Newshoggers: The Bomber Boys, Obama, and strategic ambiguity

Stinque: Financial services racketeer Wells Fargo slammed for larcenous scamming of customers

TalkLeft: What Comes First: Poliitcal polarization or presidential leadership?

Pam's House Blend: Marine Lt. Col. has sued to block his DADT discharge

Kiko's House: Cartoon du Jour

HOLY CRAP: Ground Zero mosque update...Conviction of FLDS leader Warren Jeffs overturned...Dollars for Christ...Happy Hour Gospel...Ordained into the abstract...Changing the script...It was the best of times, it was the End of Times...First Amendment hassles...Immortal Souls?...Pseudo-Christian...Wack...

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