Mike's Blog Roundup
Halfway There: My father was angry at Rep. Giffords last summer. He didn't remember her name at the time, but he "knew" that she was a commie-liberal idiot. At least he hasn't gone after any of his imaginary enemies with guns yet.
Halfway There: My father was angry at Rep. Giffords last summer. He didn't remember her name at the time, but he "knew" that she was a commie-liberal idiot. At least he hasn't gone after any of his imaginary enemies with guns yet.
distributorcap NY: Alexander's Teabag Band
The Immoral Minority: Megyn Kelly tries desperately to convince Sheriff Dupnil to walk back his criticism of the hate speech that has become synonymous with the cable news network that employs her.
Monkey Muck: Remember when the extremely left-wing Secret Service blamed Sarah Palin's attack on President Obama's patriotism for a spike in death threats against him and his family?
Just An Earth-Bound Misfit, I: When suveying transit-levels are outlawed, only outlaws will have surveying transit-levels