Mike's Blog Roundup

Shakesville: The Bush administration's sweeping new regulations protect a broad range of health-care workers -- from doctors to janitors -- who refuse

Shakesville: The Bush administration's sweeping new regulations protect a broad range of health-care workers -- from doctors to janitors -- who refuse to participate in providing services that they believe violate their personal, moral or religious beliefs.  Tell me again why Rick Warren should be part of Obama's inauguration ceremony.

Emptywheel: The Holder delay, the OLC delay, the SJC delay, and a policy subject to interpretation

Dennis Perrin: Many American liberals are fond of the imperial state, and will defend it against ungrateful recipients of our sometimes misguided, but generally benevolent interventions.

Amygdala: Dennis Blair has been named as Obama's National Intelligence Director.  There are questions...

The Raw Story: Goldman Sachs, now just another zombie bank, takes bailout billions, then cuts taxes to one percent by moving profits offshore.  The Swiss have come up with a great way to handle those golden parachutes and executive bonuses. 

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: The year in media errors and corrections...Murdoch's new hire... Inside Iraq...Media Minutes...Crusader for torturers...Dire economy is a media ploy to make Obama look good...Most inane punditry of the 2008 campaign...WaPo crashed-and-burned watch...Chris Matthews for Senate?...Lies Agreed Upon...The demise of newspapers...2008 Misinformer of the Year...More CRA Idiocy...Political reporters without politics...Racing towards irrelevancy...Mission Accomplished..."I saw someone on cable say this..."...Detroit newspaper experiment...Ongoing Villager Gong Show...NBC's Curry repeated Warren falsehood...

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