Ted Cruz Channels Miley Cyrus: Wrecking Ball
Cruz and his band of sociopathic brothers and sisters are hell-bent on wrecking everything in their path, no matter what damage they cause.
The organization I chair, American Family Voices, put out this video last night to give credit where credit is due for the terrible mess we find ourselves in this week, Ted Cruz and his crazy band of brothers in the House:
Cruz seems to be despised personally by most of his fellow Republican Senators, but his brand of wrecking ball extremism has taken over their party, and as a result a great many things that matter stand in danger of being wrecked: our democracy, our credit rating, our entire economy, our nation’s credibility and reputation worldwide. We have been brought to this pass by the most radical kind of megalomaniacs, and Cruz is their king. To serve their own bizarre, twisted vision of America, and to feed their own massive egos, they are willing to cause a worldwide financial panic and throw tens of millions of people out of work. They are even proud of it, bursting with pride in fact. Take a look at this quote from Virginia Congressman Morgan Griffith:
“We have to make a decision that’s right long-term for the United States, and what may be distasteful, unpleasant and not appropriate in the short run may be something that has to be done,” he said.
Griffith cited as an example the American Revolution. “I will remind you that this group of renegades that decided that they wanted to break from the crown in 1776 did great damage to the economy of the colonies,” Griffith said. “They created the greatest nation and the best form of government, but they did damage to the economy in the short run.”
Cruz and his band of sociopathic brothers and sisters are hell-bent on wrecking everything in their path, no matter what damage they cause, because in their warped minds it gets us back to some kind of Ayn Rand-style government-less free market Eden, where- to use Paul Ryan’s words- the “makers” (the wealthy and powerful) can do whatever they want to whomever they want and ignore the whining of the “takers”. This will make America strong again, which is important because, as Glenn Beck says, “in nature, lions eat the weak”. To get to this land of stateless nirvana where the makers rule in glory, Cruz and his gang are willing to do any amount of “short term” damage they can- although how many decades is short term seems to be irrelevant to them. They want a revolution, by God, and are willing to destroy anybody and everything to get it.
Miley Cyrus’ very strange video seemed like the perfect metaphor for the insane megalomaniacs led by their hero Cruz. Take a look and see how well it tells the story. And let’s hope that whichever sane Republicans are left standing in that party have the wisdom to stand up to Cruz and his wrecking ball.