Fox Exploits Father's Grief As Springboard To Criticize Benghazi Attack Based On A Theory

During yesterday's Fox "news" Sunday, host Chris Wallace started off with the tearful soundbite of Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods killed in the Benghazi embassy attack last September, questioning why the White House appeared to be

During yesterday's Fox "news" Sunday, host Chris Wallace started off with the tearful soundbite of Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods killed in the Benghazi embassy attack last September, questioning why the White House appeared to be less honorable about the events surrounding his son's death, than his son was risking his life to save the 30 people in that embassy.

"My son violated his orders to protect the lives of at least 30 people. He risked his life to be a hero [sic]. I wish that the leadership in the White House had that same level of moral courage and heroism that my son displayed with his life."

Wallace, after arguing with Senate Intelligence Committee member Mark Udall (D-CO) over whether or not the embassy attacks (which took place over six weeks ago) are being "politicized", then asks Udall if drones reportedly in the area were armed and if so, might they have stopped the attack? (a supposition based on a supposition.)

Naturally, Udall explains that he can not reveal our defense capabilities on national TV, and should not be making guesses about what our drones can and can not do prior to completion of the investigation.

But on a personal note, can I just point out how distasteful this entire exchange is? First exploiting a fathers' grief to score cheap political points, then denying you're doing it, then accusing The President of the United States of failing to protect American citizens by not using using weapons that some drone may or may not of had that may or may not have even been in the area?

Every time I hear these Cretins run for the pitchforks and light the torches over whether or not President Obama is guilty of a "massive intelligence failure on September 11th that resulted in Americans losing their lives, and then tried to cover it up", I want to smack them across the head with a 2x4.

...but maybe that's just me.

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