The Latest "Jobs Report" Conspiracy: Hurricane To Delay Report Until After Election

(via ThinkProgress) Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Tweeted the following message yesterday (Oct 29, 2012): ...suggesting that the Obama Administration has directed the Dept of Labor to withhold the October Jobs Report (which he is certain will

(via ThinkProgress)

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Tweeted the following message yesterday (Oct 29, 2012):

...suggesting that the Obama Administration has directed the Dept of Labor to withhold the October Jobs Report (which he is certain will be bad) until after the election and to blame Hurricane Sandy for the delay. "The Fiscal Times" website is predicting a "weak" yet still positive "124,000 jobs created" for October... a 10,000 job improvement over the September jobs report that resulted in a 0.2% drop in the UE rate.

The DoL says the report is still scheduled for its normal Friday release despite being closed on Monday for the storm. Grassley likely jumped to his ridiculous conclusion based upon a report on "The Hill" blog questioning whether or not the report may be delayed due to the storm. (not unlike Romney quoting an incorrect blog-posting claiming Jeep was "moving all production to China" based on a blogger that misread a Bloomberg headline touting Chrysler's "return to China".)

Remember that just last month, Republicans falsely accused the Obama Administration of tweaking the unemployment rate down to 7.8% as a pre-election ploy. NOW they are accusing the administration of plans to "delay the report" for political advantage.

First, they accused the administration of fudging the numbers. NOW they are accusing them of "withholding" the numbers. If the Administration had the power to "fudge the numbers for political gain", why wouldn't they simply "fudge" the numbers again rather than leave the appearance they are hiding something prior to the election?

No one ever accused the GOP of making sense.

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