Will Scott Brown And Other Republican Senators Throw America’s Seniors Off The Cliff Next Week?

Just days after thanking God for Representative Paul Ryan’s health care plan and saying that he would vote for it, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is facing an intense backlash in the Bay State, so now he is pathetically trying to backtrack: The

Just days after thanking God for Representative Paul Ryan’s health care plan and saying that he would vote for it, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown is facing an intense backlash in the Bay State, so now he is pathetically trying to backtrack:

The Massachusetts Republican said in a statement that he favors the overall direction Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan's budget takes toward reducing spending.

But Brown declined, through a spokesman, to say if he backs Ryan's proposed Medicare overhaul, or if he would vote for the Ryan budget plan.

Brown's comments came four days after he told a luncheon crowd in Georgetown, Mass. that he would vote for the Ryan budget.

Uhm, someone needs to let Senator Brown know that there are no backsies in politics. He can’t have it both ways. He cannot present himself as supportive of budget cuts while now trying to distance himself from Ryan’s devastating "Robin Hood in Reverse" budget plan that would impose draconian and savage cuts to our Medicare program.

So soon Senator Brown and his Republican Colleagues in the U.S. Senate will have a chance to vote for Ryan’s plan to end Medicare as we know it. We will see if they are going to join Ryan and Boehner and throw America’s seniors off the cliff …

… Literally.

The vote is coming up next week. As Senator Harry Reid warned in his interview with the USA Today:

"I think we will see that not all Republicans will vote for it," Reid said. "If I were running for re-election, Democrat or Republican, I would want to stay as far from that Ryan budget as possible."

Good luck Senate Republicans.

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