joined a group of conservatives who have blamed Romney's falling poll numbers on some kind of liberal media conspiracy.
“There is always a margin of error within polls,” Carlson said, by way of dismissing an Ohio poll showing President Obama “up by 10.” Therefore, she suggested, maybe the candidates should just ignore the polls and “figure out how to win.” Carlson didn't hide the disapproval in her voice as she added, “Yesterday, Mitt Romney said he’s not gonna get necessarily more aggressive when it comes to character assassination of President Obama. Does that sound like John McCain four years ago?”
“It sounds like a huge, huge mistake on his part,” Tantaros said. And of course, it’s all because of the liberal media that he needs to go there. “When we see (President Obama’s) record so dour and so pathetic, knowing that the media is not covering ANY of this… The only person that can take to task the president is Mitt Romney… He really has to bring it because the media’s not gonna do that job.”
Nothing says good Christian family values like advocating for character assassination!