Fox Guest Says The Pentagon Has Capitulated To Jihadists

Fox’s Peter Johnson, Jr., was wowed, just wowed on Fox & Friends this morning by a guest accusing the U.S. military of capitulating to jihadists for stopping an anti-Islamic extremist from teaching classes to military officers. Johnson was so

calling Islam “a barbaric ideology” that “will no longer be tolerated,” and saying, “Islam must change or we will facilitate its self-destruction.”

The discussion was about Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley’s threatened lawsuit against the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, for shutting down Dooley’s elective class to military officers and for being given a negative Office Evaluation Report. Johnson, a lawyer himself, announced that the military had refused to respond for the segment. Apparently, Johnson felt that his obligation to do any research ended there.

But a simple Google search would have told him – and possibly his viewers – that Dooley was promoting an extremist view of Islam and President Obama. As Danger Room recently reported:

The course instructed senior officers at the lieutenant colonel, commander, colonel and Navy captain level that “there is no such thing as ‘moderate Islam,’” and that wartime protections against civilians of Islamic countries were “no longer relevant.”

Materials distributed by Dooley’s guest lecturers suggested inaccurately that President Obama is a Muslim. Similar material taught to the FBI in 2011 compared Islam to the Death Star in Star Wars. Dooley himself taught, “Your oath as a professional soldier forces you to pick a side here.”

Instead, Johnson said Dooley “is in trouble for teaching about Islam and radical Islam” and accepted without question Dooley’s accusations against the military.

Dooley’s “cause” has been taken up by the Thomas More Law Center. Richard Thompson, president of the Center was the Fox guest who advocated for Dooley and smeared the military this morning. Danger Room also notes that these are the same folks who defended Koran-burning Pastor Terry Jones.

PETER JOHNSON: Let’s talk about (Dooley’s) promotions. His promotions are going to be blocked as a result of this. And your organization has taken a very strong position against General Dempsey. You’ve basically said that he’s abdicated to the forces of sharia and Islam in the world in not allowing Lt. Col. Dooley to teach at the Joint Chiefs School. Is that correct?

RICHARD THOMPSON: That is correct. In fact, we see the political correctness permeating the upper echelons of the military throughout. Apparently, we have not learned our lessons from the Ft. Hood massacre and now we attempt to appease these Muslim organizations and in doing so, we are jeopardizing our national security. In fact, one Middle East expert said that the final defense against jihadists, the Pentagon, has now capitulated and is teaching our military in accordance with the Muslim Brotherhood’s teachings.

As Johnson nodded in concerned agreement, Thompson went on to say that a nuclear attack on the U.S. was a certainty: “These officers one day will find themselves in a position of a nuclear attack on, let’s say the City of New York, and the President turns to this officer and says, ‘What should be our response?’ And this officer can’t say, ‘Give me two weeks and I’ll come back to you.’ This officer has to have a response. And that’s what Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley was teaching.”

This is probably not the last time we’ll see Dooley cast as a free speech and terrorism-fighting martyr on Fox. Johnson asked his guest to “keep track on this going forward because it just seems incredible to me and probably to a lot of America that a man who’s dedicated to fighting for us in a war on terrorism is being held back in this way.”

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