O’Reilly: Schieffer Should Have Told Obama He ‘Screwed Up’ Benghazi

Bill O’Reilly was obviously frustrated that Mitt Romney didn’t attack President Obama over Fox News’ pet faux scandal, Benghazi-gate. But instead of owning up to that or admitting that Romney lost the debate last night, O’Reilly went on Fox

faux scandal, Benghazi-gate. But instead of owning up to that or admitting that Romney lost the debate last night, O’Reilly went on Fox & Friends this morning and attacked Bob Schieffer, the moderator, for not asking the “penetrating question” to President Obama, “You screwed (Benghazi) up. I don’t know what happened there. Please explain it to me.”

Can you imagine the non-stop Fox News hissy fit if a debate moderator had said to Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan – or any Republican candidate anywhere – “You screwed up” anything?

You know O’Reilly has gone over the edge when Fox News hosts start advocating on behalf of a “liberal media” debate moderator after a Republican loss. That's exactly what happened next. The Curvy Couch crew erupted, arguing that Schieffer had correctly raised the subject and it was up to Romney to smack Obama with it.

O’Reilly answered, “Look, why don’t we have Dr. Phil, then, moderate? Alright? If these guys aren’t gonna ask penetrating questions and hold the answerer accountable, why do we have them?” He went on to complain that Schieffer’s question on Libya was too “wishy-washy.”

But if Dr. Phil had been on the couch with the rest of them, he probably would have quickly recognized that the one O’Reilly was really vexed at was Romney.

“If it were me, Obama’d be a puddle after I got through with him," O'Reilly said later. "…Obama wanted to prove one thing: that Romney’s a poseur… that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he changes his opinion every hour on the hour. And in order to do that, you have to be confrontational. But Romney could have easily parried that by saying, ‘You – this is incompetence.’ See, that’s the word that I would have used. ‘This is incompetence in Libya. We don’t know what happened there, a month and a half and it’s four Americans dead! You gotta explain it!’”

In a side remark, O’Reilly also said to Steve Doocy, “You’re rootin’ for Romney,” (as if O’Reilly isn’t). Instead of denying it, Doocy chuckled in agreement.

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