Actress In Hoekstra's Racist Ad Apologizes...When Will Pete Hoekstra?

(h/t Heather at VideoCafe) By now, you've probably have seen the ad Michigan's former congressman Pete Hoekstra released targeting Debbie Stabenow in his bid for a seat in the Senate. In it, an Asian woman bicycles through rice paddies to


By now, you've probably have seen the ad Michigan's former congressman Pete Hoekstra released targeting Debbie Stabenow in his bid for a seat in the Senate. In it, an Asian woman bicycles through rice paddies to thank Debbie "Spend-it-now" for spending so much money, presumably to benefit China. Hoekstra denied the racist undertone of the ad, of course.

But the actress in the ad, Lisa Chan, isn't buying into Hoekstra's plausible deniability. And her conscience bothered her enough about her participation in these kind of ugly stereotypes that she issued an apology:

"I am deeply sorry for any pain that the character I portrayed brought to my communities," Chan wrote on her Facebook page, as first reported by the Angry Asian Man blog. "As a recent college grad who has spent time working to improve communities and empower those without a voice, this role is not in any way representative of who I am. It was absolutely a mistake on my part and one that, over time, I hope can be forgiven. I feel horrible about my participation and I am determined to resolve my actions."

Look at that: a genuine apology. Not the kind that we get from Republicans so often ("I'm sorry if someone was offended...") but a real, no excuses, owning-up-to-my-mistake apology. Take note, Republicans, this is how it's done.

Now it's time for Hoekstra to apologize. Here's the "Contact" page from his campaign website. Ask him (politely, of course) to apologize forthrightly for the ad. And perhaps that his failure to do so already has spurred you to support Debbie Stabenow.

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