And The Most Popular Guest For Meet The Press Is....

Newt Gingrich! Um, not to put too fine a point on it, but...why? Yesterday was Gingrich's fifth appearance on "MTP" just this year. In fact, Newt

Newt Gingrich!

Um, not to put too fine a point on it, but...why?

Yesterday was Gingrich's fifth appearance on "MTP" just this year. In fact, Newt Gingrich, despite not having held any position in government for over a decade, was the single most frequent guest on "Meet the Press" in 2009 of any political figure in the United States. Literally.

From March to December, Gingrich appeared on "MTP," on average, every other month. No one else in American politics was on the show this often.[..]

Keep in mind, "Meet the Press" didn't have the actual Speaker of the House on at all this year. It also featured zero appearances from all of the other living former House Speakers (Hastert, Wright, Foley) combined.

There's just no reasonable explanation for this. Gingrich was forced from office in disgrace -- by his own caucus -- 11 years ago. What's more, he's kind of a nut -- we're talking about a former office holder who speculated, just last week, about hidden messages from God in snowstorms.

Again and again, the media just proves that informing their viewers is the furthest thing from their collective minds.

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