Bill O'Reilly: Here At Fox News, We Expect Facts To Back You Up

If this little gem of cognitive dissonance doesn't make your head explode, I don't know what will. Bill O'Reilly started the show with his Talking Points Memo segment, talking all about how the #Occupy Wall Street protests were a

independence of the Occupy movement, Marshall suggests any grassroots movement is in danger of being co-opted by big money funders:

Well, first of all Bill, any organization, any movement, any protest is going to be "exploited" to use your term by somebody, whether it be the Koch Brothers of the Tea Party on the right, George Soros with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement on the left.

Wait a second, wait a second....are we going to make the equivalency argument of *EVIL* Soros and the #OWS movement and the Koch brothers with the tea parties? Gasp! Even if the equivalency is specious since there is no direct link between Soros and #OWS, this kind of atrocity cannot stand.

O'REILLY: OK, well you can believe anything you want; you're an American. But you made a statement that the Koch Brothers were tied into the Tea Party financially. Can you prove that?

MARSHALL: Well, the Koch Brothers, (INAUDIBLE) such as Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.


O'REILLY: Can you -- can you prove it. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, Leslie.


O'REILLY: Leslie, you're a Fox News contributor. You have a responsibility. Can you prove the Koch Brothers are tied into the Tea Party financially? Can you?

MARSHALL: With a check in hand, no.

O'REILLY: OK. Thank you.

MARSHALL: But the Koch Brothers have never denied the financial trail.

O'REILLY: Your turn is over, Leslie. Your turn is over, we'll get back.

And I want to remind you not to make statements you can't back up on this network. We don't do that on this network. Other networks do. We don't.

Um, excuse me? They don't make statements that they can't back up? WTF are you talking about, Bill?

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