Call Me Unreasonable
Chris Matthews thinks the chained CPI idea is "reasonable" but mocks Democratic opposition.
JOHN FEEHERY (GOP STRATEGIST): I think what the president is doing with this CPI thing, which I personally support, but it’s….
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Of course you do. You’re reasonable.
FEEHERY: …but it’s also a dangerous trap.
Call me unreasonable.
I will happily wrap myself in the mantle of being an unreasonable person as long as Washington DC elites with six- and seven-figure portfolios dare to tell me that I need to be "reasonable," while
- Lifting the FICA cap is off the table;
- The idea of lowering the minimum age for SSI qualification is not even discussed;
- Refusing to acknowledge that austerity does not work, ever;
- Not admitting that Social Security itself does not impact the deficit;
- Negotiating Medicare drug prices is not part of a cost-saving package;
- Cutting corporate subsidies is a non-starter;
- Our top marginal tax rate is the lowest it's been since the '30s; and
- Beltway denizens who cheered off-the-book wars and tax cuts, insisting that deficits don't matter, are now screaming that the deficit is the *MOST* important thing this country, over jobs, poverty, income inequality, discrimination, gun safety, and the sad fact that they are relegating more than a few grandmothers to eating catfood.
Yup, if that is what's considered "reasonable" thinking about the problems this country faces, then damn it, call me unreasonable.
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