Candy Crowley Wants LA Mayor Villaraigosa To Blame "Both Sides"

Candy Crowley really, really wants her viewers to blame Democrats for all ills in this country. In an interview with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the development that he is ushering in the Los Angeles area to encourage business, Crowley could not help but gleefully remark that Villaraigosa--a national co-chairman of Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign and a member of President Barack Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board--sounded an awful lot like a Republican.


Candy Crowley really, really wants her viewers to blame Democrats for all ills in this country.

In an interview with LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on the development that he is ushering in the Los Angeles area to encourage business, Crowley could not help but gleefully remark that Villaraigosa--a national co-chairman of Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign and a member of President Barack Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board--sounded an awful lot like a Republican. Uh huh. Because the Republicans have done such a bang up job economically, haven't they? Double dip recession sound familiar, Crowley?

To his discredit, Villaraigosa does his damnedest to be that Blue Dog bipartisanship fetishist, using Republican framing and willingly sacrificing "entitlements" to the Super Committee, rather than unapologetically sticking up for the 99% and say that Congress has an obligation to make sure that all Americans have a right to a base level of subsistence.

But that's not enough Democratic bashing for Crowley. She asks a mayor from a city 3,500 miles away how he views the environment in Washington DC. Of course, he responds with something that we all know: it's the most toxic it's been in recent history. Seriously, is this an arguable statement? But you know, it doesn't place the blame on the Democratic Party enough, so Crowley asks Villaraigosa in her most skeptical voice:

Do you think that the Democrats are blameless in this?

Excuse me, you pathetic excuse for a journalist? Villaraigosa says that it's too partisan in Washington, meaning the divide between both parties is increasingly insurmountable. BOTH parties, but damn if Crowley doesn't want her viewers to focus on the Democratic Party's party in it. Forget the fact that Republicans openly say that their number one goal is to obstruct the Obama administration to prevent his re-election. Forget the fact that the Republicans in Congress have used the filibuster more since 2006 than at any time in history. Forget that even non-controversial legislation is blocked and that the Republican minority in the Senate came thisclose to shutting down the government altogether. Candy Crowley never wants you to forget that the Democrats aren't blameless either.

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