Chris Wallace: Company Man. Just Ask Cheney

Again, the hubris that it takes to unapologetically admit to being a propagandist never ceases to amaze me...Wallace's dad must be so proud. ThinkP


Again, the hubris that it takes to unapologetically admit to being a propagandist never ceases to amaze me...Wallace's dad must be so proud.

ThinkProgess grabbed this rather astonishing audio from The Mike Gallagher Show, yet another apologist for The. Worst. Presidency. Ever. And in an oh-so-macho pissing contest over who is more favored by the criminals in the White House, Wallace brags to Gallagher:

WALLACE: Let me ask you this, did the Vice President say to you, “thank you so much for defending the president and yes I’m going to be giving you a special exit interview in a couple of weeks?

GALLAGHER: Did he say all that to you?


Apparently, all this gratitude towards Wallace came as Wallace defended the Bush administration, ironically at the premiere of a movie where a real journalist actually did his job when interviewing a president:

Last Monday, at a screening of Ron Howard’s new film “Frost/Nixon,” Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace vociferously defended President Bush against criticism by Howard that Bush has abused the office of the presidency in a way similar to President Richard Nixon. “Richard Nixon’s crimes were committed purely in the interest of his own political gain,” said Wallace. Wallace claimed that it was a “gross misreading of history” to say that Bush abused his power “for pure political self preservation” like Nixon did.[..]

Later in the interview, Wallace said that “a bunch of people” at Cheney’s party thanked him for his comments. “Cheney was genuinely grateful for what I had done, and Ed Gillespie, the senior counselor to the president, was there and genuinely grateful.” Listen to it here:

As ThinkProgress noted earlier this week, the Bush White House did in fact abuse its power for political gain and to maintain control of the government. Beyond politicizing many federal agencies, the Bush team also outed an undercover CIA agent in order to punish a critic and fired nine U.S. attorneys for political reasons.

I wonder if Wallace thinks he will be viewed as gratefully by the incoming administration or if he'll suddenly remember that his job is not to serve as a public relations flack. Somehow I can't see him being so quick to defend Obama.

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