C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Sarah Vaughan & Miles Davis

I got a little grief last night that my pick for the LNMC wasn't really a love song and it was after all, Valentine's Day. One would think I'm not a r

I got a little grief last night that my pick for the LNMC wasn't really a love song and it was after all, Valentine's Day. One would think I'm not a romantic...sheesh.

So I beg your indulgence for a song that I picked for my wedding, even if it's a day late, because my hubby knows he's my Valentine every day of the year. Come rain or come shine.

But it also got me thinking. My little brother is getting married in a couple of months and all his very opinionated siblings have voiced their preferences for the song the new couple will dance to for the first time. (I like "Lucky" by Jason Mraz) What song would you/did you pick for your first dance at your wedding?

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