Colorado Senate Hopeful Jane Norton Invokes 9/11 In Campaign Ad To Bash Obama

Stay classy, Jane: Colorado Senate hopeful Jane Norton (R) has given her campaign website a facelift. And as part of that facelift she's hitting

Stay classy, Jane:

Colorado Senate hopeful Jane Norton (R) has given her campaign website a facelift. And as part of that facelift she's hitting Barack Obama for...not going to war against Islam.

The site.. features a still frame from a new ad, attacking Obama and Washington liberals for abandoning the War on Terrorism.

The ad includes a May 26, 2010 Reuters headline saying "Obama doctrine to make clear no war on Islam."

This is supposed to be a bad thing.

As ColoradoPols put it, it's utterly tasteless:

We got to thinking about it, and it occurred to us that a "war on Islam" would actually be a very bad thing. Somewhere between leading off with that particular headline and the violent interruption of Norton's "never forget" boilerplate by the screeching of jet engines, we begin to realize that a terribly low road has been taken here.

Gee, ya think?

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