David Neiwert Wins Award For 'And Hell Followed With Her'

Our own David Neiwert was honored by Suspense Magazine for his excellent book on Shawna Forde and the violent Minuteman movement.

Seriously, we couldn't be prouder of our man Neiwert. It has been announced that in the December issue of Suspense Magazine, his latest book And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border will be named one of the "Best of 2013".

Dave himself said on Facebook:

"I'm quite tickled, because I'm an investigative reporter by trade and background, but I realized early on that this story had innate narrative qualities that lent it to a deeper, more suspenseful treatment in the manner of In Cold Blood, which I admittedly modeled it after to an extent. I learned my writing craft at the feet of such masters of fiction as James Crumley, so this was a chance to become that kind of writer. Your award tells me that I succeeded."

If you haven't read And Hell Followed With Her, you have missed out on one of the more powerful looks at the dark underbelly of the border movement. I'm a big softie, and what happened to little Brisenia Flores and her father is hard to shake, but Dave manages to weave in the larger supremacist movement and the charismatic Shawna Forde and you have a really compelling "True Crime" drama that is sadly too real.

For today only, Amazon is offering And Hell Followed With Her for on $2.51 in Kindle format, so I encourage you to pick up a copy.

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