DeMint: 'Grateful' To Live In A Country Where People Can 'Love Who They Want', Live The Way They Want'

Someone is spiking the coffee at the This Week studio, because Heritage Foundation President and ultra-conservative Jim DeMint doesn't actually believe this, does he?

Reince Preibus' GOP 'autopsy', that recommended that the GOP lighten up on the anti-gay rhetoric to keep from alienating the younger voters. Former senator Jim DeMint--who stepped down from the Senate to become president of the Heritage Foundation--certainly took the advice to heart and sounded decidedly un-DeMintlike during a panel discussion of Jason Collins on This Week:

MATALIN: It's all political. I grew up with the Bears and the Black Hawks and the Bulls, the last bastion of political correctness-free fun and entertainment. Now the liberals have politically invaded the last bastion of politics-free zone. We don't care who, as a sports fan, we don't care who you make out with, we just want you to make your shot. Make your shot.



DEMINT: I'm just grateful we live in a country where people can love who they want and live the way they want.


Wait, wha-whut? Is this the same Jim DeMint that said openly gay people shouldn't be allowed to teach in schools? The same man, when called out for that, defended himself by saying he didn't think unmarried pregnant women should be allowed to teach either? The same man who said that opposing gay marriage was necessary because same sex marriage hurt limited government? The same man who warned that Obamacare was turning America into Iran?

Could Jim DeMint be getting more liberal in his retirement, or is this just yet another cynical political ploy to fool more voters?

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