Don't Let Nuclear Explosions Dissuade You, America NEEDS "Clean" Nuclear Power
What's a little irradiation amongst the little people? Democrats and Republicans agree: the explosions at the Japanese nuclear power plants should not dissuade us from developing "clean" nuclear power. How reassuring. In fact, Republican Jeff
What's a little irradiation amongst the little people? Democrats and Republicans agree: the explosions at the Japanese nuclear power plants should not dissuade us from developing "clean" nuclear power. How reassuring. In fact, Republican Jeff Sessions is so eager for energy independence that he blames the Obama administration for not authorizing more of those deep water drilling permits for the Gulf. Because, you know, that's worked so well for us before. And since when is drilling for petroleum in a fragile eco-system somehow pursuing "clean" energy? I do not think it means what he thinks it means.
It's a long way from Carl Levin calling for a moratorium on nuclear power plant development as a freshman Senator because of the accident at Three Mile Island to assuring us that it's important to pursue nuclear energy as a clean energy. I'm sorry, but I know that nuclear plants don't create the emissions of coal plants, but can we call a moratorium on calling nuclear power "clean"? There are no "safe" power plants--no matter what Levin or Kerry say. One accident, one natural disaster and suddenly, safety and "clean" energy take on MUCH different definitions.
I have an idea: how about each of these politicians willing to put all their eggs in a nuclear power basket ("Europe" may look to nuclear power, but Denmark--which I believe is still very much a part of Europe--is on the forefront of green energy development), rather than advocating for truly sustainable energy and innovation be given lovely waterfront homes right next to the power plants? If they're so confident in the ability of the companies to keep the plants safe, let's see them be in the zone.