Erick Erickson Solicits For Group Trying To Criminalize Homosexuality

Fox News Contributer Erick Erickson is asking followers to donate money to a group whose goal is to criminalize homosexuality.

I don't want to go all armchair psychologist on Erick, son of Erick, but I find that people who are this obsessed with the bedroom dealings of others so totally unconnected to them are fighting mightily to suppress urges in themselves that they find unacceptable.

Fox News contributor Erick Erickson celebrated the extremist Alliance Defense Fund's (ADF) "brave" - albeit unsuccessful - effort to allow a New Mexico photographer to discriminate against gay clients. Erickson called on readers of his RedState blog to join him in donating money to ADF, which is currently spearheading the effort to criminalize homosexuality in Belize.

In an August 22 post for RedState, Erickson lauded ADF's "lone and brave warriors" combatting the "[e]vil" campaign for LGBT equality.

Wanting to be treated like an equal human being is "evil"? Oh poor little, Freudian wet dream Erick, who cannot bear the thought of people feeling free to love who they love.

Why does he hate us for our freedoms?

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