Even Pat Buchanan Can't Go With Hannity's Obama Derangement Over Egypt

Someone schedule an intervention for Hannity before his head explodes

Man, Hannity really does have a raging case of Obama Derangement, doesn't he? I admit, I avoid ol' Slanthead like the plague nowadays, but I was flipping channels and heard him getting frustrated with Pat Buchanan and lingered long enough to realize that Hannity was angry that Buchanan wasn't getting with the program and letting his Obama-hate fly free.

You know you're losing whatever conservative influence you might have had when you can't even get Uncle Pat to go along with you on blaming the Kenyan Usurper for anything and everything. And Hannity is definitely losing his influence. All over the place.

Hannity is convinced that the uprising in Egypt is all President Obama's fault, damnit! But token liberal Juan Williams and Buchanan just weren't going along with it:

Hannity asked Buchanan, “I contend he (Obama) precipitated this (the violent unrest in Egypt). He pushed Mubarek out. He supported Morsi. And now, he was lecturing the military which is getting rid of the radical Islamists. Is this the foreign policy that America needs?”

In a word, yes. Buchanan said we’ve got to “put our money on” the military and keep our foreign aid to them. Noting that our foreign aid went to the Egyptian military and not Morsi, Buchanan later said, “Now why did we support, to a degree, Morsi? The guy won a free election! He got 50% of the vote!”

“There we go!” Juan Williams, the liberal guest, chimed in to agree.

As the two guests argued persuasively why we need to support the Egyptian military, Hannity kept his eye on the only ball he cared about: smearing Obama as an Islamic-terrorism enabler: “I love both of you but you’re missing a very important point here. Obama supported a radical Islamist …(and) paved the way for his ascent.”

Hannity continued, “I see radical Islam as the enemy of America. Morsi is in that camp. The Brotherhood is in that camp.” You didn’t need to have a degree in foreign policy to know what Hannity was also getting at, even though he didn’t explicitly say it: Obama is also in that camp.

Buchanan smacked that down, too. He said, “I see Al Qaeda as our enemy. I didn’t like the Muslim Brotherhood but we sent the weapons to the military which did the job on Morsi.”
Read more at NewsHounds

Hannity gets visibly upset at Williams and Buchanan's dismissive stance, insisting, “You’re missing the whole point. Obama caused this, created this situation and precipitated..." only to get shut down again by Williams again and a final proclamation from Buchanan that even Hannity couldn't convince him to place the blame for the Arab Spring with Obama.

It's gotta hurt Hannity to not be taken seriously anywhere.

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