Glenn Beck In 2003: Wanna Buy Me A Car? A Really, Really Nice One? Please?

Oh Jeez. If I had known you could do this, I would have had Jamie, our tech god, set up a page for me. My needs are pretty basic; I don't want or ne

Oh Jeez. If I had known you could do this, I would have had Jamie, our tech god, set up a page for me. My needs are pretty basic; I don't want or need a $150,000 car:

While Glenn Beck has meet with former Presidents, had dinners with Governors and played with dolls at a Super Bowl party - there is one thing he's never done, he's never been the owner of a a Mercedes S600. Now is your chance to real make a difference in someone's life.

One dollar at a time the Glenn Beck Program is working to fund the Glenn Beck New Car Fund. This event will not be funded by any corporations. This event will not be funded by radio stations. This event will be funded by YOU. Please, send $1 dollar only per each person in your home. We will not accept donations in excess of $1 per person in your home. Our goal is $147,625.

O.M.F.G. Does anyone think he was able to find 150,000 saps willing to buy the man the top of the line Mercedes he had the hubris to demand?

Wonder how all those idiots feel now that they funded this welfare queen with an estimated annual income of $23 million. Apparently, the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" lesson is for others.

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