Glenn Beck Knows That The Maoists In The WH Are Getting Secret Messages From That Communist Woody Guthrie. Huh?

[media id=12124] (h/t Heather at VideoCafe) Is there a licensed psycho-therapist in the NY area willing to go to Fox News Headquarters in Manhattan a


Is there a licensed psycho-therapist in the NY area willing to go to Fox News Headquarters in Manhattan and stage an intervention for Glenn Beck? I really think he's lost his mind. It's not even funny anymore; this is a man whose brain has clearly snapped.

Reeling from his epic fail on getting Eric Massa to divulge details on the evils in the White House, Beck launched full on into his proof that the "Mao-lovers" in the White House are grasping for unprecedented power grabs due to the designation of protected lands in the west. (Apparently caring about the environment is Stalinist. Right, Jim DeMint?) And his proof that this is the White House Maoist/communist agenda? The "hidden" messages in that communist Woody Guthrie's classic (and 70 year old) song "This Land Is Your Land". And somehow this land grab is because fish are more important than people and you're too stupid to understand that you have no right to health care. No, seriously:

Here's the latest land grab and we only know this because of a memo that was leaked: The Obama administration is pursuing 13 million acres through 11 states in the West in the name of "national monuments." Maybe we'll get one of Chairman Mao? How about Stalin? He was good at controlling the lands, I hear. And they are doing this without telling anyone. It's executive order. They don't care about what you think about it.

Here's another one: Do you like to fish? Well, enjoy it while you can because it looks like special interests once again are trumping common sense and the voice of the people. A new report says it's a move to appease environmental groups and, just like before, without the consent of the people and by executive order.

We told you he would do this. Heck, The New York Times said he'd do it. The report claims that Obama will "no longer listen to the public" as he tries to prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing on some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes and even some inland waters. So, because a couple of environmentalists want to save the fish, people could lose rights.

Do you remember the song, "This Land Is Your Land"? Here are the last couple of verses:

As I went walking I saw a sign there

And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."

But on the other side it didn't say nothing,

That side was made for you and me.

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,

By the relief office I seen my people;

As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking

Is this land made for you and me?

The song was originally written in 1940, by the way, by Woody Guthrie — communist. It's a song about a progressive utopia land with no ownership of property. Because some have it and some don't. And we all think of this as an American song.

The song goes to indoctrination, but that's another story — land grabs are where we are at. It's grab all the rights you can. Health care — the Soviets used to call it maintenance. It sounds so tender, so loving that way, doesn't it? I can almost picture the caring hospitals in the Soviet Union, where they perform "maintenance" on the human body. It's like a Jiffy Lube for people.

Man, he does jump all over the place, doesn't he? Tell me again, how is this different than the raving loony stomping down the sidewalk muttering how the little green people have implanted chips in his brain to allow the government to read his thoughts? Or Father Coughlin? Or Radio Rwanda? Or Joseph McCarthy?

This isn't the first time he's heard secret messages in music, as Media Matters documents.

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