GOP's Chronic Obama Derangement Syndrome Escalating To Impeachment Talk

The crazies int he GOP don't let little details like an actual impeachable offense get in the way of their hate...

We have well and truly crossed the Rubicon into an era where Republicans think that disagreeing with their policies is an impeachable offense. Or maybe they just don't care about laws. But when even congressional stalwart Tom Coburn starts playing the "let's impeach him!" game, we can't blame it simply on the tea party crazies.

BuzzFeed reports Coburn said impeachment is "not something you take lightly, and you have to use a historical precedent of what that means," noting that he feels there is a great deal of "incompetence" in the Obama administration.

"I think there’s some intended violation of the law in this administration, but I also think there’s a ton of incompetence, of people who are making decisions," Coburn said. "Those are serious things, but we’re in a serious time," Coburn continued. "I don’t have the legal background to know if that rises to high crimes and misdemeanor, but I think they’re getting perilously close.

Oh help me, Rhonda. Perilously close to high crimes and misdemeanors? Words have meanings, but all that gets thrown out the window with the willfully ignorant and deranged base of the Republican Party.

Please let me never hear "both sides do it." The Bush administration far exceeded high crimes and misdemeanors (lied to Congress to take us to war; tortured prisoners; hell, I think it could have been proven that they never legitimately won an election, and on and on) and we didn't see this level of derangement.

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