House Republicans Throw In Birth Control Access In Government Funding Bill

Those puritanical or science-ignorant Republicans don't realize that this is the king of unintended consequences.

Typical of the privileged, entitled spoiled brats that they collectively are, the House Republicans threw everything but the kitchen sink into their government funding bill. The bill, which purportedly was to stave off a government shutdown, was instead a big, fat sloppy kiss to all of the special interests that want to curtail average Americans' lives while enriching the top one percent even further.

Telling, perhaps, that they were unable to do it without drinking heavily enough to be noticeable from the gallery. Putzes.

The "funding" bill included a clause that for the puritanical and/or science ignorant Republicans, may be the king of unintended consequences: delaying funding for contraceptive care under ACA:

House Republicans included a so-called "conscience clause" in the government funding bill in a plan they approved early Sunday.

The House voted 231-192 on a bill that would delay much of the 2010 health care overhaul for a year. It would also repeal a tax on medical devices that helps finance the health care law. The measure would allow employers and insurers to opt out of providing health care services that they find morally or religiously objectionable. The addition reignites the debate over a portion of the health care reform law that requires most insurers to cover women's preventative health care, including contraception.

It's enough to make me want to nut punch a Republican member of Congress. Need I remind them once again that in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies, contraceptives are used therapeutically as well for a host of women's health issues? Those "family-friendly" idiots will not be satisfied until Americans see an increase of abortions (oh, wait...), an increase in people applying for federal assistance due to the forced births (oh, wait...) or a bunch of motherless children, because their reproductive cancer treatments have been taken away from them. Ilyse Hogue of NARAL responds:

“It is unconscionable that elected officials in the House will shut down the entire government in order to force women to seek permission from their bosses to get the contraception coverage benefit in Obamacare. Women's access to the health care that gives us tools we need to plan our families and our lives is not a bargaining chip, nor do we need to seek consent from our bosses or anyone else.

“American voters are fed up with the GOP playing politics with women's health. We have one message for the extremist minority attempting to use this moment to ram through their anti-women agenda: do your job and govern. We elected you to make the country a better place for all Americans, not play daddy to millions of adult women in this country who are more than equipped to make our own decisions and run our own lives. "

Damn straight.

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