Kelly O'Donnell Keeps Furthering Right Wing Media Meme That Massa Identical To Foley

[media id=12136] (h/t Heather) It's so tiresome. The lazy, false equivalencies of "balance" between Democrats and Republicans in the lamestream media

ThinkProgress document, Foley's inappropriate behavior towards pages was known as early as 2000, but nothing was done nor did Hastert call for an Ethics Committee investigation until ABC went public with their news report, some six (or more) months after Hastert was made aware of the situation.

Hey, Kelly, you know what the main similarity between Foley and Massa are? Both times, the Ethics committee investigation was called for by the Democrats in office.

Interestingly, nobody in the media seems interested in the fact that although sex-scandal ridden Democrats Eliot Spitzer and Eric Massa left their positions in the light of their own bad behavior, John Ensign and David Vitter did not. I guess it's okay to have a sex scandal if you're a Republican, right, Kelly?

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