Larry Pratt Wants Assault Rifles To Take On Elected Officials

There--in living color--is the embodiment of the banality of evil. Larry Pratt, the public-school-bashing president of the Gun Owners of America, gets a segment on Hardball to advocate for having educators be allowed concealed carry permits so

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There--in living color--is the embodiment of the banality of evil. Larry Pratt, the public-school-bashing president of the Gun Owners of America, gets a segment on Hardball to advocate for having educators be allowed concealed carry permits so that we can have more guns in school.

Evil. Horrifying.

Most of these poor, innocent children are not yet laid to rest in their graves and this boil on the butt of humanity wants more guns. Let me just run down a statistic for you: GUN OWNERS ARE 4.5 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE SHOT AND KILLED THAN A NON-OWNER. You want more innocent children killed, you pustulent, soulless Pratt? Then let's put them between two guns.

But the calling for more guns is what you expect from some immoral monster like Pratt. What stopped me in my tracks was the small, evil grin when confronted by Chris Matthews as to why he felt that any regulation on assault weapons was unacceptable.

The reptilian executive director of Gun Owners of America, last seen telling gun control advocates “they have the blood of little children on their hands,” argued that we are “less free without automatic rifles,” and need to stay prepared.

Matthews, who loves nothing more than hurling himself through cracked-open doors like this, was all too happy to oblige with a “prepared for what?”

Pratt: “To take on our government. [And this] government has gone overboard.” He continued that it’s time to take action “when elections are stolen.”

Holy mother of god, this man is insane. This man is advocating insurrection and will be on television tomorrow and the day after continuing to be given a platform for this bastardization of the Second Amendment.

Dave Neiwert, who is far more calm about traitors like Larry Pratt than I am, points out that this is a typical "insurrectionist interpretation" of the Second Amendment, familiar to militia groups and Doomsday preppers.

I just call it evil.

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