Liar, Liar, Returned Silky Knickers On Fire: Palin Tells Matt Lauer That There Was "Never Any Tension" With McCain

Apparently not one to go gently into that good night, Sarah Palin is determined to keep the spotlight on her for as long as the media will allow it.

Apparently not one to go gently into that good night, Sarah Palin is determined to keep the spotlight on her for as long as the media will allow it. She sat down with Matt Lauer on The Today Show, insisting that despite overwhelming discussion of the tension between her and McCain (coming from anonymous campaign staffers as well as the media that covered them) that she and McCain are still BFFs.

LAUER: There is this feeling, and some of this comes from leaks and other, just perception, people just getting a gut that there was increasing tension between you and Sen. McCain in the final stretch of this campaign. Tell me what the relationship was like.

PALIN: We have a great relationship. Had from Day One. Had from the first time that I met him, last year, he and his wife. I just have been great admirers [sic] of them, of their family, of all that Sen. McCain has accomplished. Never once was there any inkling of tension between the two of us. Perhaps within the campaign, there was campaign staffers who…

LAUER: Well, describe that for me. Who was butting heads?

PALIN: You know, I don’t even know. That inside baseball stuff regarding the way a campaign works on that level, I certainly didn’t get bogged down in any of the potential skirmishes or perceived problems…

LAUER: Have you listened to some of the leaks that have come out since the election, where they’re saying that the McCain people leaked anonymously or saying,‘we couldn’t control her.’ ‘She was a rogue.’ ‘She didn’t want our consultants around her.’ And it became tense. Where do stories like that come from?

PALIN: I honestly do not know, because it’s not true, Matt. And Sen. McCain and I, we have a great relationship. I have nothing but honor and admiration and love for him and for his family. And I think that is mutual. In fact, I talked to him just today, again. And we touching base [sic] nearly every day…

LAUER: So it’s a warm and friendly relationship, even to this day?

PALIN : Very warm and friendly and professional and I…again, I have nothing but honor and admiration and love that I will show for this great American hero.

Well, I'm convinced. (/snark)

In other news, it's being reported by AP that Palin is going through the closets of her husband and kids to return all the clothes purchased for them by the RNC, including Todd's silk boxers. I know that the Republicans want to have a reputation (however unearned) of being fiscally prudent, but really, let them keep the knickers. What would you do with used undies from the Palin family any way?

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