Liz Cheney Defends The Birthers
[media id=9114] (h/t Heather) Can Dick Cheney take his daughter Liz back to his undisclosed location and keep her there? Why the hell is Liz Cheney s
Can Dick Cheney take his daughter Liz back to his undisclosed location and keep her there? Why the hell is Liz Cheney so visible now? I can't recall seeing her hardly at all during the eight years of Bush/Cheney and now she is ubiquitous.
And sadly, her entire reason to be on the air is to be a divisive partisan pain in the ass. Her goal is to continually fuel the hatred and suspicions of all those wingnuts barely holding on to their sanity as it is.
When asked about the Birthers and their Obama Derangement Syndrome, rather than take the adult stance of saying that it's a shame that this fringe group isn't willing to accept the reality that the President was born in the US, Cheney gleefully pounces on the chance to slam Obama for being "anti-American" and refusing to stand up for what the US believes in.
CHENEY: I think the Democrats have got more crazies than the Republicans do, but setting that aside, I think that….You know, one of the reasons I think you see people so concerned about this, I think that this issue is …people are uncomfortable with having ---for the first time ever, I think--- a President who seems so reluctant to defend the nation overseas. A President who sits through a completely venomous screed by Daniel Ortega and then his only response—when the United States has been hostilely attacked—is to say “hey, you know, basically, I was only three at the time.” And you know, we’ve seen this….
CARVILLE: That’s so…
CHENEY: James, don’t interrupt me. We’ve seen this again and again and again, where this President seems to sort of want to create moral equivalence…
KING: Are you saying…it’s because he’s a Kenyan?
CHENEY: No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying that people are fundamentally uncomfortable and they’re fundamentally, I think, increasingly uncomfortable with an American president who seems to be afraid to defend America. Who seems to be afraid to stand up for what we believe in.
Head. Slams. Keyboard. Seriously, Liz, do you really think this is constructive at all immediately following a video of a woman so high strung and so out of touch with reality that she's just a step away from snapping altogether? Is it possible to step out of your friggin' partisan mindset for two seconds and just say that the Birther movement is a bunch of nutcases and they need to come to grips with reality? I'm no fan of Carville, but he nails Cheney for her disingenuous rationale:
CARVILLE: Let me hurl a fact around. These people….these poor, pathetic people believe stuff, just like Ms. Cheney tonight. She refuses to say it’s ludicrous because she actually wants to encourage these people who believe that. It’s just a simple thing: “This is a nutty thing. There’s nothing to this, I disagree with this president’s policy.” They can’t say that. They can’t say that because they’re scared they’ll lose the sort of nut wing of their party.
Well, exactly, James. And as someone who had to suffer through transcribing this mess, I note that Liz Cheney tends to fill time with a lot of "I think"s. Actually, Liz, if this clip shows anything, it's that you don't think.