McCain Is Still Bitter Over Losing 2008 Election

Speaking of not being capable of being magnanimous, let's look at John McCain.

Grampy McCain to grumble over how mean President Obama is:

Responding to President Obama’s assertion that Republican tactics the last three years have undermined the economy, Senator John McCain on Sunday said, “Mr. President, you won.”

Expressing disappointment that “the President felt he had to take a victory lap,” after a deal struck by Senate leaders reopened the government and raised the debt ceiling, McCain said, “Maybe it’s not in [Obama’s] DNA to be magnanimous to opponents.”

And then the bitter old loser had to get some digs in on foreign policy as well. Project much, Bitter McCrankypants?

There was no victory lap in what Obama said after the shutdown was ended; he quite clearly said there were no winners. Maybe it's endemic in the conservative brain to be impervious to evidence in front of you. I know a lot of liberals who took exception to President Obama's calling out of "the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict" without specifying those on the right, making it seem that he was firmly in the "both sides do it" camp.

But never let it be said that conservatives don't know how to feel injured and put upon irrespective of reality.

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