Michelle Bachman: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
Faced with overwhelming condemnation and the NRCC basically dumping her campaign after her appearance on Hardball where she suggested that Barack Ob
Faced with overwhelming condemnation and the NRCC basically dumping her campaign after her appearance on Hardball where she suggested that Barack Obama was anti-American and that the press should do an expose to see whether Democrats hold pro- or anti-America attitude, Bachmann taped what was billed as an "apology" ad.
The resulting ad? Not so much of an apology.
I don't always get my words right, but I know my heart is right...
Meh. That's not an apology as far as I'm concerned. Further, it doesn't square with her own reaction to the blowback from her appearance. First, she claimed she never said it. But she then did a 180 and re-asserted Obama’s views were anti-American. Then, after her Democratic rival Elwyn Tinklenberg raised $1.4 million from Americans disgusted by her neo-McCarthyism, she tried to fundraise off her outrage at Matthews and liberal blogs for twisting her words.
And then this...it doesn't come close to actually apologizing. Clearly, she didn't want to repeat what she said, but polls are showing a significant slippage in her approval:
Nearly four of 10 likely voters in the Sixth Congressional District say they are less likely to support Rep. Michele Bachmann because of her comments about Barack Obama and Congress.[..]
Overall, the poll found that voters favored Tinklenberg over Bachmann 45 percent to 43 percent, with 5 percent supporting Independence Party candidate Bob Anderson. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percentage points.
Does she honestly think this will help? *snort* Of course, it won't stop the NRCC from raising money off Bachmann, even as they've cast her out.