Mr. "A Noun, A Verb And 9/11" Thinks "Political Correctness" Led To Missed Signals In Failed Times Square Bombing

What frightened little children these Republicans are. The same man who thought that smart terrorism moves were to locate the Office of Emergency Ma

What frightened little children these Republicans are. The same man who thought that smart terrorism moves were to locate the Office of Emergency Management in WTC7 despite NYPD opposition, keep the same ineffective radios for FDNY from the '93 WTC bombing, recommend scandal-laden Bernie Kerik to Homeland Security and the extension of his mayoral term worries about "missed signals" by the Obama administration.

GIULIANI: I really at this point am frustrated by the lack of urgency that is shown about these terrorism matters. I mean, we've had three now where we've seen, you know, big breakdowns: Fort Hood, Christmas Day, and now -- and now this one.

It's about time that we stopped thinking about it and we stopped studying it. I don't know how often the attorney general said he was

studying things. How about we stop studying and we start doing things,

like we change Miranda, like we fix what appears to be a policy of

political correctness in which we missed every signal that related to

Major Hasan and promoted him in the military?

And here we missed some very big signals that Shahzad was giving us,

going back to Pakistan, remaining there for five or six months, bringing

in -- I've forgotten exactly how much cash he brought in from Pakistan,

but I think it was something like $60,000...


TAPPER: It was something like -- I think it was $80,000...

GIULIANI: Eighty thousand dollars in cash.

TAPPER: ... but it was several -- several years ago, yes.

GIULIANI: Yes, but that doesn't trigger an alarm, even several

years ago?

Well, Rudy, several years ago, the Obama administration wasn't in charge. Why should they be blamed for that? And how scary you think it's time to start acting--doing something, anything--rather than take a studied course of action. Haven't we seen the consequences of this kind of unexamined action enough in this country? Of course this is the guy so untethered to reality that he has no problem saying that there were no attacks on GWB's watch.

I have to ask the question: what would it take for this to have been considered a success by Republicans? The plan was foiled and the suspect was caught within 72 hours. I'm not seeing political correctness hampering anything. Is Giuliani suggesting that we shouldn't be afraid of profiling? Sorry, Rudy. That's just plain un-American.

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