The Republicans' Sit-Down Strikes During The SOTU

The State of the Union speech is normally just a big kabuki theatre exercise. On both sides of the aisle, political parties make clear what they value

The State of the Union speech is normally just a big kabuki theatre exercise. On both sides of the aisle, political parties make clear what they value and show their support or lack thereof for the President's agenda.

No news there. But I think in these days where the political spectrum has been so skewed that tea-baggers actually think Hitler was a liberal, it's a good idea to know just what the GOP does not support, like:

Assistance and tax credits for small businesses to create new jobs:

Or ending tax breaks for companies that send American jobs overseas:

Student loans and helping Americans get higher education:

Prohibiting foreign money from influencing our elections:

Nice to see where small business, education and oligarchy play into the GOP's values, isn't it?

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