Rick Sanchez Loses It: Calls Jon Stewart A "Bigot" And Says CNN "Run By Jews"

Wow, what did Rick Sanchez find in his cornflakes yesterday morning? He seems just a bit cranky: CNN’s Rick Sanchez is not happy with being made fun of constantly on The Daily Show and Colbert Report. It is from this jumping off point that

Wow, what did Rick Sanchez find in his cornflakes yesterday morning? He seems just a bit cranky:

CNN’s Rick Sanchez is not happy with being made fun of constantly on The Daily Show and Colbert Report. It is from this jumping off point that he absolutely unleashed on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and at times his own network, on Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show yesterday. The big takeaway – Sanchez calls Stewart “a bigot,” then walks it back a bit, and he implies CNN is run by Jews.

Pete Dominick pushed back on Rick Sanchez's unbelievable and slightly bizarre rant (ostensibly carrying a fairly large chip on his shoulder about Stewart because he didn't like being the butt of jokes on The Daily Show) and Sanchez walked it back to call Stewart "prejudicial" and unable to be fair to anyone who doesn't come from a white, educated background. Even still, the criticism is manifestly and provably false as anyone who watches The Daily Show knows. And even if Sanchez had a reasonable beef with being pigeonholed out of a higher profile position with the network, there's no denying that he let slip some serious ugliness and anti-Semitism lurking in his psyche.

And as it turned out, this little slip was all CNN needed to give Sanchez his walking papers. According to an insider, the reason that Sanchez wasn't being considered for a more prominent role at CNN may have had less to do with his Cuban, working class background and had everything to do with him being a jerk. Which is something this little rant did little to dissuade.

Now if only we could get MSNBC to do something similar with Pat Buchanan...

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