RNC Likens Nancy Pelosi To Pussy Galore

Boy, you stay classy, RNC. We already noticed the assassination fantasy at play in the RNC's new ad attacking Nancy Pelosi, but Taylor Marsh highlight

the assassination fantasy at play in the RNC's new ad attacking Nancy Pelosi, but Taylor Marsh highlights the ad's crude sexism too:

At the end it says “Democrats Galore.” Imposed with a naked woman behind the tag line. Get it? Subtle it is not. But check out the video at around :40 seconds; a split screen that says it all. “Pussy Galore” is shown with “Starring Nancy Pelosi the Speaker” over “Pussy’s” image.

But hey, it’s good to have a sense of humor about these things right? And who doesn’t love the Bond films, especially those Sean Connery classics?

The RNC, however, is not celebrating the women in these classic movies, even by 1960’s standards. Nor are they empowering women through utilizing one of the the cunning female villains who parade around in them by equating her with Speaker Pelosi. I shouldn’t have to spell it out any further, though if the RNC doesn’t have women in their leadership ranks or men who get this stuff and know bad taste when they see it, the Rush, Newt and Cheney Party (as they were aptly called on “Hardball” yesterday) is truly nothing more than a frat boy institution. No offense to fraternities meant.

That a woman, let alone Speaker of the House, should never be hinted to in any public way through the use of “Pussy” insinuations should be obvious. That this is being used by a once major political party in the 21st century is stunning.

Sadly, I don't find this as stunning as Taylor does. This is just par for course from a party stuck in some mythical timeframe where "Father Knew Best" and minorities and women knew their place. That this went through Lord knows how many layers of bureaucracy at the RNC with nary a hitch just shows you how tone deaf these guys will forever be.

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