RNC Uses Rudy Giuliani And Fox News In Robocalls
John's already posted about the RNC's new ads using FOX News and Andy Martin. But they're not done with the fear-mongering and the blatant lies to sc
Giuliani has recorded a new McCain robocall in which he suggests, in effect, that Barack Obama doesn't think sex offenders, drug dealers and murders should have to go to jail, according to Jennifer Henderson, a stay-at-home mom in Maine who tells us she received the call.
Readers in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio, and Colorado also report receiving the same call. [..]
Rudy claims Obama "opposes mandatory prison sentences" for rapists and murders, Rudy is actually referring to Obama's opposition to specific mandatory minimum sentences. By dropping the word "minimum," he's insinuating that Obama opposes mandatory prison sentences in general.
This just might be the sleaziest exercise in robo-slime yet. Congrats, Rudy!
It goes hand in hand nicely with the Terrorist/Obama direct mailer the RNC is sending out as well.
The level of hate is getting so bad that two call center employees quit rather than submit to saying the smears that the McCain campaign wanted them to disseminate. As Joe Biden said yesterday, McCain, stop these calls.
Huffington Post reports on three Republican senators who have condemned the tactics...and ask you to call your Senators to get them on the record too.