Santorum actually waves in front of the camera allegedly classified documents:
Greg Sargent picked up my original assertion the other night that Rick might have violated federal laws by holding up a classified document to the camera on H&C: I wrote
"If that is the document that's classified, isn't little Ricky breaking about a gazillion different federal laws by exposing them? I've taken the precaution of blackening it a bit. Of course, I'm no attorney, but I believe this is the law.
But even better than that little bit of flagrant law-breaking is the subject for which Santorum and cohort Pete Hoekstra wanted to stake their national security bona fides: finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Which, as you may remember, was frequently promised to us, but never actualized. While Hannity kept trumping up what an amazing discovery this was, it took only Fox News' own Jim Angle making the call to the DOD that Santorum never bothered to do to soundly debunk the whole dang thing.
And this is the guy Republicans think should have the nuclear codes?