Sean Hannity Gives Platform To GOP Smear Merchant To Scare Viewers About Obama

(h/t ArchPundit) There's a special level in hell reserved for Sean Hannity for giving Andy Martin an international platform. Who is Andy Martin, you

(h/t ArchPundit)

There's a special level in hell reserved for Sean Hannity for giving Andy Martin an international platform. Who is Andy Martin, you ask?

In his past, Martin also has expressed anti-Semitic views. When he ran for Congress in Connecticut in 1986, the name of his congressional campaign committee included the phrase “to exterminate Jew power in America,” Federal Election Commission records show.

In a 1983 personal bankruptcy case, he referred to a federal bankruptcy judge as a “crooked, slimy Jew, who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.” In a related court filing in the case, he also expressed sympathy to the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

He also proudly takes ownership for originating the "Obama is a Muslim" email. Jane has more:

Jerome Corsi also uses Andy Martin as a reference multiple times in his new anti-Obama book. The same Andy Martin who once called a judge a "crooked, slimy Jew." I asked Corsi about it on a bloggingheads we recorded recently (isn't up yet), and Corsi said that just because he uses someone as a source it doesn't mean he approves of everything he says.

I guess it's okay if he only hates Jews on the side. Or something.

Ari also unearths this Martin quote:

I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did, when Jew survivors are operating as a wolf pack to steal my property.

Andy Martin has filed so many frivolous lawsuits he's no longer allowed to file them, yet right wing outlets have consistently been granting him credibility and using him as a source to tear down Obama. Why isn't the perpetually vigilant Jennifer Rubin shrieking "anti-Semite" and seeking to discredit him at every turn?

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