Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread

Avast ye, mateys! I'd be wishin' ya a happy Easter this Sunday. My appearance this fine morn is but an illusion. As you read this, I will be packing

Avast ye, mateys! I'd be wishin' ya a happy Easter this Sunday. My appearance this fine morn is but an illusion. As you read this, I will be packing up my very sleepy children, the dog and a car full of crinoline to make the eight hour drive to Los Angeles for my brother's wedding next weekend. I give this itinerary in the event that Jesse Watters is staking me out for some ambush, since his m.o. appears to be coming up to women on vacation. It's a long drive between San Francisco and Los Angeles, Jesse. Hope you have some decent books on tape.

But aaarrr! I have a feeling I'm going to miss a lot of pirate talk this morning. In fact, Newt Gingrich promised on his Twitter feed he was going to get in some slams against Obama during his appearance on This Week concerning his slow reaction to pirates (as opposed to George W. Bush, who ignored 111 Somali pirate attacks in 2008 alone?). Yet another mess left to Obama from the last group. Meanwhile, the real pirates in America--those on Wall Street--avoid the plank this week as the shows focus on gay marriage with Rick Warren on This Week, Iraq with

Gen. Odierno and Iraqi National Security Advisor al-Rubaie on State of the Union and themselves on Meet the Press. Shiver me timbers!

ABC's "This Week" - The Rev. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.

CBS' "Face the Nation" - Arturo Sarukhan, Mexican ambassador to the U.S.

NBC's "Meet the Press" - Journalists round table.

NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: John Heilemann, Katty Kay, Gloria Borger, Dan Rather. Topics: Is President Obama building a lasting Democratic majority? Can Republicans get their house in order again? Meter Questions: Is the current Democratic dominance due to Obama's popularity instead of a true ideological shift? YES: 8 NO: 4;

Was Obama's foreign trip more successful because of his appeal than because of his accomplishments? YES: 9 No: 3

CNN's "State of the Union" - Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq; Iraqi national security adviser Mouwaffak al-Rubaie; Dana Perino, former White House press secretary; Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

CNN's "Reliable Sources" - Deborah Norville and Amy Argetsinger discuss the Palin family feud, Elliot Spitzer, gay marriage coverage and Obama's Iraq visit.

CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - Is Syria the key to peace in the Middle East? How would a peace deal between Israel and Syria work? Fareed goes through the steps with Syrian Ambassador to the United States Imad Moustapha. Plus, Malcolm Gladwell author of Outliers explains how cultural and environmental factors can be the key to an individual's success. Finally, a panel of experts discuss Obama's trip overseas and US-Europe relations.

"Fox News Sunday" - Sens. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla.

So, what's catching yer eye this morning?

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