Ted Nugent Wishes The South Had Won The Civil War

You know, for a group that loves to whine about the liberal entertainment industry being so unfair to openly conservative artists (because Kelsey Grammer, Alice Cooper, Tom Selleck, Gene Simmons, Jon Voight and Adam Sandler are really hurting

You know, for a group that loves to whine about the liberal entertainment industry being so unfair to openly conservative artists (because Kelsey Grammer, Alice Cooper, Tom Selleck, Gene Simmons, Jon Voight and Adam Sandler are really hurting for work, aren't they?), they sure do embrace the least appealing specimen in Ted Nugent. Really, he is just a disgusting piece of work on so many levels: misogynistic; loud- and foul-mouthed; gleefully selfish and self-interested, he's only too happy to tell you what nauseating lengths he went to dodge the draft in Vietnam and avoid a statutory rape charge with his underage girlfriends. And that's not even touching his clearly Freudian over-compensation obsession with firearms.

This is not a decent human being; this man is the frontrunner in the race to the bottom of conservative Americans. For the life of me, I can't imagine seeking his endorsement, yet Mitt Romney did so. So the question must be asked: will Mitt Romney disavow this latest bit of slime from the mouth of the Motor City Madman?

Serial mouth diarrheist Ted Nugent is making another bid for attention as the grimiest link in Mitt Romney‘s endorsement chain, opining in his Washington Times column that the Supreme Court’s decision on President Obama‘s Affordable Care Act has him “beginning to wonder if it would have been best had the South won the Civil War.”


There is no low for Nugent; nothing that would be off-limits to say, right down to wondering if things wouldn't be better with slavery intact and the South's treason vindicated.

Your move, Mr. Romney.

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