Thom Hartmann Paints Tea Partier Into A Corner For His Anti-Union Stance

On his Tuesday program, Thom Hartmann had on former Tea Party Express leader and current radio host Mark Williams to discuss why Williams is so anti-union and how inconsistent that is with his professed beliefs in democracy and

former Tea Party Express leader and current radio host Mark Williams to discuss why Williams is so anti-union and how inconsistent that is with his professed beliefs in democracy and freedom.

Hartmann is clearly debating Williams with one hand metaphorically tied behind his back and it's really too easy to show not only the inconsistency but the ignorance from which all of Williams' reactionary anti-union stance (himself a member of the AFTRA union) originates. But that's what I find of most of these tea party types: their stances rarely are consistent with their professed values and as soon as you carry their statements to their (il)logical conclusions, they immediately backtrack and say, "wait, I don't mean that!"

Sadly, it takes far more self-awareness than Williams is capable of to re-evaluate his point of view, but kudos to Thom for trying.

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